Fall and Halloween go hand in hand, but at Tule Mystery, we believe this duo works better as a
trio. That’s why we add readers to the mix, too!

So bring out your pumpkins, your colored leaves, your ghosts, your costumes, your hot cider
and s’mores to celebrate September and October with these crisp mysteries:

Tuxedo Bravado by: Emmie Lyn

You are cordially invited to the Halloween Tuxes and Tails fundraiser, complete with a one-eyed
pirate, a flirty waitress, a real live scarecrow—and a murder at the dance. But Sunny Shaw and
her cat, Jasper, will untangle the lies from the truth alongside of you, so bring your heels to this
Mind Chocolate Chip Mystery installment.

A Wasp in the Woods by: Geri Krotow

College classes have started, making it the perfect time for Angel Warren to build up local
tourism for her curiosities gift shop in Stonebridge, Pennsylvania. But a walk in the woods
uncovers a body and a murder that leaves the town buzzing. A cozy Shop ‘Round the World
mystery that will leaf you guessing.

Homecoming and Homicide by: Jody Holford

Ah, something to cheer about: a fall carnival to raise funds for the local high school drama club.
What’s not so fun for Rainbow Falls newcomer Annie Abbott: stumbling across the body of an
unpleasant teacher. She really needs these clues to add up because the police have pinned her
as the suspect!

A Ghostly Shadow by: H L Marsay

The past becomes a haunting place for Detective Chief Inspector John Shadow when the
notorious rivalry between York’s iconic ghost walk tour guides spirals out of control this
Halloween. Shadow finds the body of one guide hanging from a tree, a la highwayman Dick

Turpin, and the assistant is killed by an explosion of gunpowder just like Guy Fawkes. Are the
murders a business feud or the work of a madman?

Straight for the Kill by: Winter Austin

It’s chilling déjà vu for Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit when her department is called in on a copycat
murder from 25 years ago, when the victim was Benoit’s best friend. It’s time to finally nail the
crooked ex-sheriff up to his elbows in these young women’s blood—but only if Benoit can keep
her emotions under control after her sister, too, goes missing …

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